Monday, September 1, 2008

Although eating well and exercising are part of a balanced life, much more should be considered. Managing stress. Focus on one task at a time to reduce stress and anxiety. Stress can damage your immune system and keep you from thinking creatively. Listening to relaxing music is helpful in alleviating stress. Slow down a few times per day and practice relaxation breathing. Inhale for 5 seconds and exhale for 5 seconds. Perspective. Stressful and difficult situations are with us on a regular basis. Learn how to look at these situations differently. Routines. Your morning routine is to be considered carefully as it sets the tone for the entire day. Do you listen to soothing or energizing music? Do you eat breakfast? What about a brisk morning walk? Organize. Getting rid of clutter and having a clean and organized house will help you feel peaceful. Keeping your house clean, and having a chore schedule will help. Short on time? Set aside 10 minutes to tidy up. You can accomplish a lot if you stay on track. Time management. Learning to prioritize and accomplish your most important tasks will help you to be more efficient. Don't waste time on what doesn't matter. Know what your priorities are. Always start with the highest priority items and work down the items on your to do list. Self-acceptance. Acknowledge what you are able to accomplish. Give yourself grace when you fall short on your goals. Being harsh with yourself is counterproductive. Learn to do your best with your circumstances. Exercise. If you only have blocks of twenty minutes, you have enough time to get exercise. Small increments of exercise are better than none at all. Exercise is a great stress relief. Thinking patterns. Are your thoughts normally more positive or negative? Having a positive attitude can make a tremendous difference in your circumstances. Be grateful. Having a grateful attitude helps you to appreciate what you have. Instead of focusing on what is wrong, concentrate on what is right. Be thankful for what you have. Relax. Do you allow yourself to be still and give yourself a chance to get your thoughts together? Try to find something relaxing to do every day. Rest. Are you exhausted? Arrange your day so you can take a nap. Twenty minutes can do wonders. If a nap is not possible, plan to go to bed at a decent hour. Laughter. Laughter is truly the best medicine. Look for it. Humor is all around you. By:Monica M

Monday, May 26, 2008

Dreams and vision are extremely important because they are good predictors of your life to come. A life without a vision is like a rudderless ship that sails anywhere the wind and waves take it. Once you have set your goals start taking active steps to fulfil them. Do not be like the rudderless ship that sails off course at the slightest difficulty. You must be determined that your goals and dreams are far too important to be abandoned because of a setback or two. If you hit a rough patch you have to re orientate yourself and get back on course as soon as possible. Great things are achieved usually only after equally great trials.